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One Health PACT Retreat 2023

one health pact retreat

On Friday, June 23, the One Health PACT Retreat took place at a special location, namely at Villa Jongerius in Utrecht.

During the Retreat, the PhDs and researchers had a daylong program.

Goal of the day

–        To assess and discuss whether we are on track according to the promised output
–        Can we merge and integrate different projects?
–        Trying to integrate and translate all of the knowledge into interventions

In the morning, One Health PACT PhDs were given time to present their research, followed by a round of Q & A.

One Health PACT Retreat 2023

After lunch, the focus was on the following three questions:  

  1. Looking back at what we promised in the grant application, where are we with the synthesis of evidence related to knowledge? 
  2. How far along are we with the integrated overview of the project?
  3. What are our expectations for the coming year?

Postdoc Martha Dellar gave a fun interactive session at the end of the day about her Scenario research and its application in the Netherlands And finally, Carolien Neeve from the technasium schools gave an insight into what the collaboration between One Health PACT and the Technasium has been like recently.

Of course, a game of tug-of-war at the end of the day was not to be missed!

Date: 11 July 2023